Search engine wars
If the search engines were to go at each others throats then what would be their weapon of choice? (Not that they will or should go to war without regard to certain ethics)
The best weapon would be Search engine loop bombing. By search engine loop bombing i mean to say "Use of search engine bombing(Popular as google bombing) to bomb all or most keywords to search pages of thier respective search results page"
In an attempt to see if search engines have a defense mechanism to such a bombing of result loops i am conducting a experiment at coop search.The idea is to bomb the internet with the following links: Google loop from yahoo search, googleoop and to google itself using google loop and googleoop .
You can help by linking to these pages using the same anchor text.Since we are targeting very obscure words it will not cause any problems.Using live search to google loop and googleoop.If you want other search engine results try those aswell.
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